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Powys to benefit from UK Government Levelling Up Fund

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21 November 2023

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Powys County Council have provisionally secured over £17.7 million of Levelling Up Funding from UK Government to promote recreational tourism in the county through transport investment.

The funding aims to address regional disparities across the UK by investing in vital local infrastructure projects to increase pride in place and bring people closer to opportunity. In total 55 projects across the UK have been selected to receive funding in this latest Round Three of the Levelling Up awards, with the project from Powys being one of seven successful bids in Wales.

The £17,714,498 fund will be spent delivering three coherent projects within the county, which together will boost recreational tourism and contribute to local economic growth:

  • Active travel - will provide improved access between key towns and the surrounding tourist destinations, making it easier for visitors to explore Powys using active modes and improve accessibility to key locations for residents.
  • Rights of Way refurbishment - will enable and improve visitors' accessibility to Powys' diverse and valued Rights of Way network.
  • Resurfacing - will improve access to tourist hotspots and support the National Cycle Network, facilitating better journey quality for residents and visitors.

"We are delighted to receive confirmation that our bid for Levelling Up Funding has been successful." Said Cllr James Gibson-Watt, Leader of Powys County Council.

"This investment will allow us to make the improvements needed to collectively improve accessibility to key services, encourage active travel modes to reduce transport poverty, support recreational activities in the area, provide better journey quality and improve connectivity to tourist hotspots."

Tourism has long since been identified as a key strength to support economic growth and prosperity in Powys. A series of localised Levelling Up funded projects, will collectively boost recreational tourism and contribute to local economic growth by:

  • improving accessibility and journey quality to key services and tourist locations;
  • widening the labour pool with improved connectivity to provide opportunities for local businesses and employers;
  • promoting active travel to contribute towards Powys' Net Zero targets in reducing its carbon emissions; and
  • developing an improved sense of place and enhanced attractiveness, where people are proud to live and visit Powys.

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