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Window opens for new applications for UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Image of housing, a lecture and manufacturing

10 July 2023

Image of housing, a lecture and manufacturing
Another application window has been launched as part of an exciting funding programme which could help Powys communities build pride in place, increase life chances for residents and drive good economic growth.

The third call for applications for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) has been announced by the Powys Shared Prosperity Fund Local Partnership. The partnership decides how over £23m of UK Government funding is spent across four priority areas.

The latest call will be for projects that fall within the People and Skills priority.

Cllr David Selby, Cabinet Member for a More Prosperous Powys and Chair of the Powys Shared Prosperity Fund Local Partnership, said: "The main objective of the Shared Prosperity Fund is to build people's pride in their communities and to increase opportunities for residents and businesses.

"The partnership will look at how it can best support these aims across the four investment priority areas and it will be sharply focused on extracting the maximum value from this funding for individuals, communities and businesses across Powys.

"I'm delighted that another application window has opened for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The People and Skills priority has the potential to really impact local people's lives, through opportunities to upskill, retrain or develop their employability skills."

The deadline for applications under the third window is 23:59 on Sunday, 1 October, 2023.

For more information including the application form and guidance on how to apply, visit UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Any queries should be emailed to

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