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Communities 'inspired' to deliver green plans

The Powys Town and Community Council Environment and Nature Event was held at The Pavilion in Llandrindod Wells.

23 June 2023

The Powys Town and Community Council Environment and Nature Event was held at The Pavilion in Llandrindod Wells.
Community representatives from across Powys have been given advice on how to deliver successful climate and nature emergency action plans.

More than 60 delegates attended a free Powys Town and Community Council Environment and Nature Event held at The Pavilion in Llandrindod Wells on 14 June.

The conference, organised jointly by Powys County Council and Llandrindod Wells Town Council, was held to mark The Great Big Green Week (10 - 18 June). It included speakers from a range of organisations, question and answer sessions with panellists, workshops, information stands and opportunities for networking.

"I found it inspirational and have been contacted by many people who attended who said they did too," said Cllr Jackie Charlton, Powys County Council's Cabinet Member for a Greener Powys. "It's important that we all share ideas about reducing our carbon emissions and developing vibrant and healthy environments that are good for both people and nature, so that we can make our home the 'greenest' county in Wales.

"It was fabulous to meet so many other people who are committed to the same goals of tackling the climate and nature emergencies as quickly and effectively as possible, and we all left with plenty to think about and a new sense of vigour."

Television and radio presenter Chris Jones was the conference host and the supporting organisations in attendance included Powys County Council's Waste and Recycling Service and its Biodiversity and Countryside Service which is part of the Powys Nature Partnership, Severn Wye Energy Agency, One Voice Wales, Centre for Alternative Technology, Black Mountains College, Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons) National Park Authority, Planning Aid Wales, Coed Cadw (Woodland Trust), Brecon Town Council, Radnorshire Wildlife Trust, On The Verge, Wildlife Trust for South and West Wales, Keep Wales Tidy, Social Farms and Gardens Wales, Natural Resources Wales, Welsh Government's 'It's for Them' Campaign, its Section 6 Biodiversity and its Energy Service, Tripto and Powys Action on the Climate Emergency (PACE).

Town and community councils who were able to send a representative to the event, and those who weren't, are to receive an information pack including the presentations given on the day and links to videos of the speeches.

Any council or community group in Powys seeking help with its work to tackle the climate and nature emergencies should email:

PICTURE: The Powys Town and Community Council Environment and Nature Event was held at The Pavilion in Llandrindod Wells.

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