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Householders warned about traders offering to install home energy products

Image of air source heat pumps

6 June 2023

Image of air source heat pumps
Householders in Powys are being urged to be on their guard if they are approached by traders offering to install home energy products.

A number of companies are operating across the county to install measures to help make homes more energy efficient at reduced or no cost through the availability of funding or grants. These companies often send letters or call households and arrive at homes unannounced.

Now Powys County Council's Trading Standards Team is urging residents to ask questions, check if they qualify for funding before agreeing to have the work carried out and never sign an agreement without reading it.

Cllr Richard Church, Cabinet Member for a Safer Powys, said: "Making energy efficiency improvements to your homes can reduce heating bills and help lower carbon emissions, which is good for householders and the environment.

"However, this is a complex marketplace as there have been a long line of energy schemes available to householders as well as numerous companies across the UK that provide and install a range of energy efficiency measures.

"Whilst there are genuine schemes and companies that can help to make homes more energy efficient, there are, unfortunately, rogue traders taking advantage of this marketplace and targeting householders.

"The practices of misleading the householder into agreeing for works and the poor workmanship that follows is well known, and the latter can leave the householder having to foot the bill to repair any damage caused.

"I urge any householder to check first the validity of any scheme, product, installer and payment before entering into a contract, whether it is free or not."

The council does have a scheme to help tackle fuel poverty in Powys. The ECO4 Flex scheme will enable home energy improvements and is being delivered on behalf of the council by Warm Wales, a community interest company specialising in delivery of programmes designed to address fuel poverty in Wales.

Warm Wales will provide a fully managed scheme, field enquiries, undertake assessment of client eligibility and work directly with energy providers and agents obligated to deliver measures under the scheme.

To find out more about the Warm Wales Powys Energy Saving Scheme, visit or call 01656 747 622.

To stop advertising material that's addressed to you personally, register with the Mailing Preference Service (MPS) at

The best way to reduce nuisance calls is to register for free with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) at

For further consumer advice, including if you think you are a victim of a rogue trader, contact Citizens Advice consumer helpline free on 0808 223 1133 or to contact a Welsh-speaking adviser call 0808 223 1144.

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