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Resident fined for fly-tipping at community recycling site

Image of a CCTV camera

5 June 2023

Image of a CCTV camera
A South-Powys resident has been issued with a £400 Fixed Penalty Notice after being caught dumping cardboard boxes on the ground at their local community recycling site.

Following concerns from the local councillors about residents abusing the community recycling site in Llangynidr's village hall car park, the council's Waste Awareness and Enforcement Team set up a temporary CCTV camera.

The fly-tipping suspect was then caught on camera leaving cardboard on the ground. Using their car number plate, the culprit was traced via the DVLA database and issued with a fine.

Some people are under the illusion that if the recycling banks are full, they can just leave their items on the ground." Explains Cllr Jackie Charlton, Cabinet Member for a Greener Powys. "This is totally inappropriate, it is illegal and constitutes as fly-tipping, as this local resident has found out to their cost.

"We always appreciate it when people wish to recycle their waste, but if the recycling banks are full, please take it home and return another day rather than leave stuff on the ground.

"Not only does it create an eye-sore, but the dumped materials also often get blown around in the wind and ends up being an environmental hazard for the whole area. Plus, it creates an awful lot of work, for our already stretched workforce, needlessly picking up other people's rubbish because they can't be bothers to recycle it responsibly."

By working with the partnership initiative, Fly-tipping Action, the Waste Awareness and Enforcement Team are quickly and easily able to set up motion sensitive, infra-red cameras in fly-tipping hotspots across the county. This is not only acting as a good deterrent to would-be-law breakers, but also helps catch the irresponsible individuals who abuse community recycling facilities.

Members of the public are urged to report any incidences of fly-tipping online: Report fly tipping 

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