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Notice: Household Flood Claim Form - Storm Bert & Storm Darragh: Were you affected???

What can we do for you?

What we can do for you

Under the Social Services & Well Being Act (Wales) 2014, we have an overarching duty to seek and promote the well-being of people who need care and support and their carers.

We will get to know what matters to you and what goals you are trying to achieve through an assessment of your needs.

We will work alongside you and your family, friends and carers using a Strengths-Based model, to identify what support can be offered, this will involve.

  • Looking at what people and their communities can contribute to achieving their well-being and personal outcomes, and their roles and responsibilities in this.
  • Building on people's own resources, including people's strengths, abilities, family, supporters, and community resources.
  • Working collaboratively and in partnership with other agencies

We will complete an Integrated Assessment and/or a Carer's Assessment with you and where necessary co-produce a Care & Support Plan/ Carer's Support Plan to ensure all your strengths are recognised and outcomes identified and support you in meeting these. Your Care & Support Plan will be reviewed at least every 12 months to ensure it still meets your needs.

If we think people are 'at risk' we will work with our safeguarding colleagues to mitigate these risks as much as possible.

If you already have a disability caseworker, please contact your worker using the phone number/ email address they will have provided you.


  • Email:
  • Phone: 0345 602 7050 (8.30-4.45 Monday - Thursday and 8.30 - 4.15 Friday)
  • Emergency Duty Team 0300 333 2222 (Delta Wellbeing out of hours service)
  • Text: Adults in Powys who are deaf or have hearing loss can text the ASSIST team on 07883 307 622. (8.30-4.45 Monday - Thursday and 8.30 - 4.15 Friday)
  • Address: ASSIST (Adult Social Care), Powys County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG

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