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Notice: My Powys Account email issue

The Progressive Partnership for Powys

A Democratic and Open Council

We will work together to change the Council's culture so that residents and communities can regain confidence in our democratic institutions. We will put residents and communities at the heart of all we do and work in the best interests of Powys.

Instead of avoiding direct engagement with local people, we will embrace it. Ward Councillors and Town and Community Councils will be kept fully informed about plans being developed for their area at the beginning of the process when local knowledge can make for better decisions, not as an afterthought in preparing the report to Cabinet.

We will improve the way Powys Council works with Town and Community Councils. We will ensure that every Town and Community Council can, if they wish, meet online with a member of Powys Council's Cabinet at least once a year to share issues and concerns.

We will promote online public participation in Council meetings and trial an online public question time for Cabinet Members.

In line with recent legislation, we will commence the public consultation process on whether the Council should propose that the next elections to Powys Council in 2027 are conducted by the Single Transferable Vote and provide the Council with an opportunity to debate and vote on the option.

Everyone has a part to play, and no-one has a monopoly of good ideas. We will involve all Councillors in our plans and work in partnership with Councillors who are interested and who want to help us move Powys forward.

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