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Notice: My Powys Account email issue

The Progressive Partnership for Powys

Developing Prosperous towns and villages

Powys is a county of small towns providing a focus of services for wider rural communities. Locally owned and run small businesses are at the heart of thriving towns and villages, contributing to a circular economy creating local and sustainable jobs.

We will work with Town Councils and local trade forums and local people to produce place plans that offer a long-term vision for the future of town centres, informing planning decisions and attracting investment into our towns.

We will review Powys Council's parking policies to provide opportunities for parking promotions on particular days to attract more shoppers and visitors into our towns.

We will develop a town centre first strategy to help ensure Powys has thriving high streets. We will use what powers the Council has to require owners to tackle empty and neglected town centre properties to promote town centre regeneration.

We will support the development and revival of town centre markets as anchor destinations in our communities.

Where Town and Community Councils want to, we will explore the devolution of relevant services to ensure that they are more responsive to local needs.

We will look to update the economic development plan for the county, and the Mid Wales Growth Deal to ensure they actively support this progressive plan and that they achieve a viable and vibrant transition to a low carbon, circular economy.

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