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Notice: My Powys Account email issue

The Progressive Partnership for Powys

Tackling the Cost of Living Crisis, Poverty and the Housing Emergency

The cost-of-living crisis is impacting most on the poorest people in Powys, amplifying an unequal position. Prices to rent or to buy are rising beyond the means of thousands of young people, while the elderly are particularly hurt by rising energy and food costs.

We will raise the Council Tax charge on second homes and support changes to second homes legislation to remove loopholes that enable too many second homes to be treated as businesses.

We will use the review of the Local Development Plan to maximise the opportunities for new social and affordable housing to be built in the right places, ensuring sustainable development in both towns and villages across Powys. We will continue to build high quality Council housing and take opportunities to purchase empty properties to tackle housing need.

We will seek to drive up standards and improve housing quality in the private sector. We support the formation of a Private Sector Housing Tenants Association.

We will form a child poverty task force to work across all the public services to alleviate the growing crisis of child poverty in our communities.

We will work to expand the Welsh Government Flying Start programme in Powys so that more children and families benefit from early help and support.

We will enable programmes that use council assets (buildings, land or finance) to increase our communities access to more affordable energy, food or transport.

We will ensure that Powys County Council becomes an accredited Living Wage employer to help ensure our staff can meet the basic costs of living.

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