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Work on Old Market Hall to resume

Work to repair and strengthen one of Wales' most historic buildings is to start next week, Powys County Council has said

Welshpool High School

A north Powys high school will move to online learning for the last four days of the autumn term so that urgent works can be carried out to its heating system

Have your say on housing plans for Welshpool

Residents living in Welshpool have an opportunity to have their say on plans for a proposed housing development in the town, Powys County Council has said

Powys to benefit from UK Government Levelling Up Fund

Powys County Council have provisionally secured over £17.7 million of Levelling Up Funding from UK Government to promote recreational tourism in the county through transport investment.

Work to begin on the Welshpool active travel scheme

Work to improve active travel provision on Severn Road, in Welshpool is due to begin on Monday 27 November.

Winner: Procurement team is GO-ing places

Work to cut Powys County Council's carbon footprint by changing the way it buys in goods and services has been rewarded with a national award.

River Severn Partnership wins £3.75m funding to boost wireless innovation

The River Severn Partnership (RSP) has been awarded £3.75m of Government funding to support the growth of wireless innovation and technology in some of its key economic sectors

Powys Balance Programme returns for unpaid carers

A programme that helps Powys' unpaid carers balance their own care needs, with the needs of those they look after, is to return.

Turn Black Friday green!

Powys County Council's waste and recycling team are encouraging the people of Powys to plan more sustainable Christmas this year and help turn Black Friday green.

Mid Wales Growth Deal progressing positively towards delivery in 2024

'2023 has seen good progress of the Mid Wales Growth Deal and it is now nearing the delivery phase' is the update shared between UK and Welsh Government ministers and Powys and Ceredigion County Council Leaders at a virtual meeting held on 09th November

Newtown Active Travel Bridge update

Construction of the new cycle and pedestrian active travel bridge in Newtown is progressing well, confirms Powys County Council.

Powys County Council signs groundbreaking cross border partnership

Powys County Council has signed a groundbreaking agreement with three other English and Welsh local authorities today (10 November)

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