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Notice: Household Flood Claim Form - Storm Bert & Storm Darragh: Were you affected???

Planning Public Access Terms and Conditions of Use

  • The information on this website does not replace the Council's statutory register of planning applications.
  • The Council cannot guarantee that this section of the website will always be available due to essential maintenance.
  • Drawings and documents can be large files and may take some time to download depending on your connection speed. The quality of the image depends on the quality of the original submission.
  • You should make sure that all relevant comments are received within the specified time. Please use the online comments facility on this website for this.
  • The online planning history currently published on the website is incomplete and must not be used as a substitute for carrying out a formal 'Land Charge Search'. No responsibility will be taken for any errors or omissions in the planning history information obtained from this website. Similarly the information on this website does not constitute in any way a formal notification of a planning decision, and as such any actions taken as a result of information displayed on the site are undertaken entirely at the viewer's own risk.
  • Whilst all plans and drawings on this website are scans of scaled originals, the images will not appear at any particular scale on your computer screen. Figured dimensions, where they appear, are the only indications of measurements on these images.


Plans, drawings and material submitted to the Council are protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. You may only download and/or print material for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

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