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Notice: My Powys Account email issue

Other help in your area

There are many local forms of help available to you to help with certain needs.


Discretionary Assistance Fund

The Discretionary Assistance Fund offers payments, or in kind support, to people needing urgent assistance and where there is an identified need to safeguard health and well being. Payments will be made available to people who have no other means of meeting the immediate cost of living.  They are not intended to meet the cost of ongoing expenses.


Find your nearest foodbank 

For emergency food assistance.


Citizens Advice Powys (Powys CAB)

We help people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing information and advice and by influencing policymakers. We use evidence of our clients' problems to campaign for improvements in laws and services that affect everyone 


Brecon Advice Centre

Free confidential advice about debt, state benefits, employment, housing and neighbour problems, relationship matters, consumer advice, legal queries, utility service problems, etc.


Infoengine will help you find varied local support across Powys for a range of needs that you may have.


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