Quick budget overview
Each year we deliver hundreds of services to 132,000 residents and 58,000 households.
Our services are funded in 3 ways:
- Council Tax.
- Income from fees and charges.
- Grants from Welsh Government.
Welsh Government funds 70% of our income, but they are cutting our funding year on year.
At the same time the cost of delivering our services is increasing.
This is causing a budget gap.
The budget gap means cuts of £100m over the last decade.
So how do we fill the gap?
By increasing our levels of income and reducing the amount we spend.
So what are we doing?
- We are changing the ways we deliver services and looking for different ways to save money.
- We will continue to invest in some really important projects, such as school transformation and housing projects.
Powys is a great place to live and we're committed to keeping residents at the heart of everything we do!