Find childcare, nurseries and playgroups
The Family Information Service provides free advice and information on a wide range of childcare options and activities for children and young people aged 0-25, their families and carers.
Please follow our links below for information on day nurseries, registered childminders, out of school clubs, pre-school playgroups and parent and toddler groups. We can also give advice on paying for childcare and have information for people who are interested in becoming a registered childminder or training for other childcare settings.
- Find an After School Club
- Find a Breakfast Club
- Find a Registered Childminder
- Find a Day Nursery
- Find a registered holiday club
- Find a Playgroup and Cylch Meithrin
- Find a Toddler Group and Ti a Fi
- Find Early Years providers
Our data comes from the Care Inspectorate for Wales (CIW), childcare settings, and the childcare business support provider. The information contained in these searches should not be taken to indicate recommendations by our service. The information provided must only be used to help you find services for your children. It must not be used for commercial purposes.)
Not listed but would like to be?
Register your childcare, nursery or playgroup on so families can find you.
- Email:
- Phone: 01874 612419
- Facebook page:
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