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Powys signs up to anti-racism charter

Image of people signing the Anti-Racism Charter

25 September 2023

Image of people signing the Anti-Racism Charter
Powys County Council has become the first council in Wales to sign up to UNISON's Anti-Racism Charter.

Last month (August), Cllr Matthew Dorrance, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for a Fairer Powys, signed the charter.  The signing commits the council to a range of pledges to help eliminate racial discrimination.

The pledges in the charter include championing a racially diverse workforce, having a clear programme of anti-racist initiatives and providing training for employees.

The signing of the charter has been held during UNISON's Year of Black Workers. For UNISON, 2023 is about tackling racism and improving the working conditions and opportunities for Black workers.

"I'm delighted that we are the first county council in Wales to sign UNISON's Anti-Racism Charter with UNISON. We are looking forward to working with them on this," said Cllr Dorrance.

"Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity, with respect and with humanity. It isn't acceptable that our staff can be subjected to racism as they go about their work supporting the people of Powys. That needs to change and we will not tolerate or accept racist behaviours from anyone, whether employed by the council or where we provide services to them.

"The anti-racism charter will ensure that the council is actively working to create an inclusive workplace for all. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for everyone, regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion or any other protected characteristic. By signing this charter, we are making a commitment to put anti-racism at the heart of our work."

John Byrne, UNISON's Branch Secretary for Powys Local Government Branch and Assistant Regional Convenor for the Cymru/Wales Region, said: "We are delighted that Powys County Council has signed our Anti-Racism Charter and they should be commended for this action.

"As the first county council in Wales to sign up to the charter, Powys has demonstrated its commitment to working with UNISON to tackle racism and any form of discrimination, which has no place in the Powys workforce.

"UNISON is indeed recognising this year as The Year of The Black Worker and we hope every employer will sign up to the Anti-Racism Charter."

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