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Call for projects in Mid Wales to come forward for the Multiply funding programme

Image of housing, a lecture and manufacturing

21 September 2023

Image of housing, a lecture and manufacturing
From Monday 2nd of October, projects operating in the Local Authority areas of Ceredigion and Powys can apply for funding for the Multiply programme. Mid Wales has a budget of £5 million for Multiply projects up to December 2024.

The programme, which is part of the wider UK Shared Prosperity Fund, seeks to attract projects that aim to improve functional numeracy skills through free personal tutoring, digital training, and flexible courses.

Interested parties considering the fund can attend a webinar on 02nd of October, 2-3pm, to find out more and what steps are needed to apply for it.

Examples of Multiply projects that are currently up and running across the UK include:

  • A budget cookery course where numeracy skills such as weight and measurement, temperature, time, and financial management are explored.
  • Informative sessions at a school setting for parents wishing to build their numeracy confidence to help with homework.
  • Courses delivering up to and including Level 2 maths qualifications.
  • Innovative activities such as breakfast bingo and number tots
  • Training to use technology and apps to help manage household bills and budgeting.
  • Courses in cash handling and balancing a till; enabling people to apply for roles requiring this skillset.

Councillor David Selby, Cabinet Member for a More Prosperous Powys and Chair of the Powys Shared Prosperity Fund Local Partnership, said: "The Multiply programme is a valuable opportunity for us to invest in local projects that our residents will benefit from. Projects that can boost the use of maths in daily life, whether that is at home or at work, can open doors for many, such as career progression. These projects could also increase confidence when using maths in everyday situations like paying bills and calculating a family budget.

"We welcome organisations exploring partnership opportunities with local employers, schools and community organisations and look forward to projects that seek to increase adult numeracy across Mid Wales."

The deadline for applications is midnight on Sunday, 29th October 2023.

Please note that the Local Authority areas of Ceredigion and Powys are in receipt of individual allocations for the UK SPF. If you intend submitting a regional bid, please contact both authorities to discuss further. For more information email: Ceredigion / Powys

To apply for the fund and for more information on the funding calls, including the important details organisations should think about before applying, go to the Mid Wales Shared Prosperity Fund page on the Growing Mid Wales website,

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