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Notice: My Powys Account email issue

Supported Lodgings hosts needed

Image of a young person listening to music

9 August 2023

Image of a young person listening to music
Residents in Powys who could help shape and support the life of a young person are being urged by the county council to consider becoming hosts as part of an important programme.

Powys County Council urgently needs supported lodgings hosts to provide a spare room and to guide and mentor young people in Powys aged between 16 and 25, who have previously been in foster care or at risk of becoming homeless.

Anyone who becomes a supported lodgings host will receive a financial reward, training and support alongside having the satisfaction of making a difference to the lives of young people who may otherwise face homelessness.

Cllr Sandra Davies, Cabinet Member for Future Generations, said: "Supported lodgings provides a vital role in many young peoples' lives and helps them gain independence.

"If you think you have the skills and space to provide supported lodgings here in Powys, we want to hear from you.

"By becoming a supported lodgings host you will add a significant contribution to a young person's life, with your on-going support, as well as creating a sense of belonging, in order for them to gain confidence and important life skills for their futures.

"Please contact our team, if you would like to take this rewarding opportunity."

For more information and to apply now please contact the team on 01597 827325 or email

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