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Notice: Household Flood Claim Form - Storm Bert & Storm Darragh: Were you affected???

Support for Carers

You can use our website to find more information about:

Arranging Care and Support

It may also be helpful for the person you care for to have their own care and support assessment to help identify any needs they have, and possible options to meet these and help the person to be able to live as independently as possible.

Options may include:

  • Equipment and adapting your home.
  • Technology to help you live independently.
  • Support to live independently including care at home.
  • Employing a personal assistant to support your caring needs in the home for the duration you need.
  • Care homes and supported accommodation.
  • Completing a Family Carers Emergency Plan in case of unexpected time away from your caring role.

Contact our ASSIST team on 0345 602 7050 or email: for further information and support on care and support that might be available.

Useful links

Credu- supporting and connecting Carers


Phone: 01597 823800

Address: Marlow, South Crescent, Llandrindod, LD1 5DH

Community Connectors

Helps people (aged 18 plus) and their families or Carers to access community-level services and activities

Phone: 01597 827666


Alzheimer's Society

Dewis Cymru - Directory of local and national organisations

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

Area 43

Dementia Matters in Powys

Macmillan Cancer Support

Mid and North Powys MIND

Age Cymru Powys



  • Email:
  • Phone: 0345 602 7050 (8.30-4.45 Monday - Thursday and 8.30 - 4.15 Friday)
  • Emergency Duty Team 0300 333 2222 (Delta Wellbeing out of hours service)
  • Text: Adults in Powys who are deaf or have hearing loss can text the ASSIST team on 07883 307 622. (8.30-4.45 Monday - Thursday and 8.30 - 4.15 Friday)
  • Address: ASSIST (Adult Social Care), Powys County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG

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